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Warren Buffett’s Principle in BLTP

Warren Buffett’s Investment Principles In BLTP



(i) Develop a Mind-Set to Win Start BLTP with Mind-Set to Win [Achieve the Goal] Rest will be taken care by BLTP Mechanism
(ii) Stick with Value Investing By Examining P/E, P/B, Div. Yield, Nifty, NAV and upmost Entry Point, which decides how much will you go far to win, we are generating Values
(iii) Combine Growth Investing with Value Investing We are Initially Investing in Ultra Debt/Liquid Fund and then as per market condition we are shifting to Equity fund by adopting our mechanism BLTP
(iv) Maintain Low Risk We are managing the risk by increasing our allocation in equity by mapping the market risk factor of the market.
(v) Act Rationally We are following the theory developed for BLTP which controls our emotions while markets volatility.
(vi) Do Not Pay a High Price We are investing more & more in lower market and lesser to zero in upward market trend which make us in position to keep averaging as low as possible
(vii) Find Good People We can select funds by back-testing for longer period.
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