To understand the above sentence one should know what is Guided Missile
A Guided missile is one which is usually fired in a direction approximately towards the target and subsequently receives steering commands from the guidance system to improve its accuracy.
The most sophisticated and most useful weapons are the guided missiles in the field of battle. Guided missiles have some sort of guidance mechanism like infra-red or laser radiations or other guidance systems like INS or GPS systems to identify target. When the missile takes off, the target is located to be at a specific place and wind direction, obstructions on the path etc. are assumed and then the flight system is programmed.
Assume that the target moves. Will the missile be abandoned? The missile changes course to attack the target. When there is heavier wind or obstructions on the path the guidance system manoeuvres the missile in flight, on the go and counters inaccuracies. And the missile will attempt hitting the target within a certain radius, in such a way that the target even if not exactly hit will feel the impact well enough.
Isn’t that what a financial plan also attempts to do? The goal is projected and returns are assumed. The goal can move with time and so can assumptions go terribly wrong. Would then the planning process be abandoned? Isn’t it just logical to do course corrections on the go and ensure that an impact is made when the goal is due?
Assumptions are exactly that, by definition they can go wrong. Any financial planner worth his salt should have the courage to keep the client on course, make corrections and guide the plan to the goal. If the course correction means change asset allocation, make a one-time investment, increase regular investments, liquidate some assets, borrow to pitch in or whatever makes logical and economic sense, so be it.
Financial planning is a process with the ultimate objective of reaching goals. It is not a magic wand that will ensure achievement of goals. The planner should have the capabilities to spot change in circumstances, make more assumptions, get them right or wrong and make corrections on the course. The client should have faith.
Just like GUIDED MISSILE – BLTP also track the progress of your Investment and spot change in circumstances on monthly basis, accordingly changes the Investment values as per requirement with the ultimate objective of reaching goals on time. [Basic need for the financial planning]
Now make your planning equipped with guided missile like BLTP – [Your Personalised Financial Planner]