Before discussing on MFCentral, first of all, we should understand the following developments that happened during recent years.
See the chronology – for those who understand.
1 Distributor divided in RIA & MFDs. – RIA laughed at MFDs.
2 MFDs divided into small and big MFDs. – Big MFDs laughed at Small MFDs.
3 Direct plan platforms Launched. – Platforms laughed at RIAs, Big MFDs and Small MFDs.
4 MFCentral launched – MFCentral laughed at all MFDs, RIAs and Private Platforms.
If you think you are extraordinary, Find out where you are. Until yesterday you were well-built, suddenly when you wake up in the morning and come to know, what your whereabouts is?
MFCentral has removed all the reasons for investors to bind themselves with any MFDs or RIAs.
There were three main reasons for investors for hiring a professional to be hired.

Performing NFTs: From now onwards, investors will be tempted to invest in Direct Plans because they need not worry about NFTs, the second reason for investing with MFDs.
Doing FTs: From now onwards, investors need not worry about jumping from one site to site for submitting financial transactions.
Now onwards, MFDs need to do their actual job, which is the first reason why they selected MFDs for investment. Nowadays, a high degree of ignorance of the job is observed because of the AUM Race.
After the launch of MFCentral, a red signal has started appearing for MFDs, involved only in SIPs and product selling, ignoring the active management of the investor’s portfolio.
You are not hired for the work, available freely on the Direct platform, and can also be performed by Do-It-Yourself (DIY).
Now onwards, MFDs need to do Active Portfolio Management, which is not available on any Direct Plans Platform.
Now, stop shouting “Don’t convert your notional losses into permanent losses” and start converting notional gain into realised gain. MFDs should change their way of working, otherwise, be prepared for suffering from loss of business.
Being financial professionals, MFDs should always understand that the investor’s AUM is the MFD’s source of income, so keep it stable and safe from volatility and enjoy a steady income flow.
Remember, now MFD’s competition is with Direct Plans only, having an advantage of lower TER over MFDs.
When it comes to success investment, is measured by the returns, not by relation.
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