October 2018

BLTP Downside Protection Financial Literacy Investment Strategy Retirement Think Out Of The Box Uncategorized

Perfect Retirement Solution – 2

In my last blog we have seen that how a Retired Person might get in to the trouble While making an arrangement for regular cash flaw [income] 8 Big mistakes to be avoided in Retire Planning as well as Retirement Solution.

For details go through my last post: perfect-retirement-solution-1

Now in this blog we will discuss about Perfect Retirement Solution:

First of all we will discuss what is the Requirement to make a Perfact Retirement Solutions:

Requirement of an Ideal Retirement Solution:

  1. Inflation Hedging.
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BLTP Financial Planning Investment Strategy Mis-Conceptions Retirement Uncategorized

Perfect Retirement Solution – 1

Mis-Conception on Earning Retirement Salary:

What Retired person should have in their Retirement kitty? People are divided on weather they should be Cash Reach or Asset Reach at their Retirements?

Someone is thinking that Retired person should be Cash Reach while others are thinking Retired person should be Asset Reach.

I think Retired person should be having own house for enjoying their retirement with dignity and they should also be having sufficient Corpus in terms of cash as well as liquid assets for getting their “INCREMENTAL MONTHLY INCOME“.… Read the rest

AMFISUMMIT'S 2018 Business Growth Challenges to MF Distributors Direct Plans Financial Literacy Mis-Conceptions Robo-Advosory Think Out Of The Box Uncategorized Upar Ki Kamaai

Is Direct Plans are realy Commission Free?

Today I was just going through my twitter account and read one post said 25 Lakh ki Upar Ki Kamaai by investing in Direct Plan with no commission and one question arise in my mind if there is no Commission in direct plan then why ETMONEY and PAYTM are interested in providing services to investors by spending Crs of Rs. in developing apps and advertising.Read the rest