What is important? Time in the Market or Timing the Market.
After reading the previous post “The fox and its sour grapes” in three(3) parts one big question arises what is important? Timing the Market or Time in the Market?
The Fox & Its Sour Grapes – Original
The Fox & Its Sour Grapes – Variant 1
The Fox & Its Sour Grapes – Variant 2
First of all, see what people use to say “It is a more important Time in the Market than Timing the Market”.… Read the rest

The biggest risk in the market is …
The difference between the Novice and the Expert is their ability to quickly determine what’s relevant and what’s irrelevant. The biggest problem in today’s market it is hard to differentiate between what is relevant and what is irrelevant.
Financial literacy is not a side effect of wealth. Wealth is a side effect of financial literacy.… Read the rest

The fox and its sour grapes – Variant 2
Today we are publishing third one and last variant of the story for understanding the reality.
Means some body else will be using your brain with remote control. How Authority Bias is working on our day to day Marketing activity in Mutual Fund. Publishing this story with credit to Mr. Vijay Kumar Shukla with some modification for making it presentable over this platform.… Read the rest

The fox and its sour grapes – Variant 1
Sorry for being late for posting this post due to my full engagement in finalizing the new Investment Strategy in our BLTP Mechanism for improving existing Equity SIP Plans returns and protecting SIPs against Disruptions in the Market. We are launching it in end of the June or 1st week of July.
Today we are publishing the first variant of the same story in hindi and english, which was published on inextlive.com… Read the rest

The fox and its sour grapes – Original
From today we are starting publishing 3 variants of the same stories which we came across while surfing the internet and found that it is most relevant to current scenarios.
We are using the same writing in Hindi and English translation from Google translate. Please bare with us regarding the translation error.
Today we are going through 1st and original story which we had learnt during our school time.… Read the rest

SIP – The Journey from Laziness to Active Management part – 1
If you want to finish the creativity of anyone, you don’t need to do anything special like Dronacharya does with Eklavya in Mahabharat, asked him to cut his thumb for GuruDakshina, just teach him how to earn money without pursuing any task.
The above line is totally suitable for the MF industry, including AMCs. Since they have learnt how to do SIP, they forget creativity (How to Manage Portfolio Actively).… Read the rest

Learn to invest in various stages of the market. – 1
“When one understand the difference between Volatility, Correction and Bear Market, he/she could grab the opportunity, otherwise what you think Mauka (मोका) will turn in to Dhoka (धोखा)” – Shailesh Sampat
To elaborate why I am writing this in current market situation, first of all we should understand what are the Various Stages of the market.
We can divide the Market in to 5 stages
1.… Read the rest

Why most of the people fails in the Market?
Most of the people fails because they afraid to think even about failure hence not preparing for it. If you plan against failure it doesn’t mean that you are negative.
Negative thinking means running away from situation and dreaming about favourite perception. Perception is not bad but without fundamental it will not sustain for a longer
Positive thinking doesn’t means expecting best to happen but be prepared to fight with negative outcome and capable to convert it in to opportunity strategically.… Read the rest

Today’s Importance in Stock Market History.
I am remembering Warren Buffet’s following quote today, because today is the most important day for the Indian stock market for learning a big lesson.
Exactly 12 years ago on same date Indian stock market collapse 10+% in just 2 days, my SIP Portfolio was started bleeding, and I was helpless, my portfolio was totally exposed directly to the Market Volatility and could not even protect from erosion.… Read the rest
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