The Lollapalooza Effect and SIP.

MFDs are Eklavyas of the current Era.

Secrets of Success in Investment – 1
Last Monday was 20 of July, we were celebrating the 51st anniversary of the man who landed on the Moon Surface. on 20 July 1969.
According to NASA they were knowing How to send a man on the Moon since 1962 but actually the launch of the Apollo 11 mission was possible on July 16, 1969, to send a man on the Moon.… Read the rest

Why The Power Of Compounding didn’t work in MF? Reason and Remedy

The fox and its sour grapes – Variant 2
Today we are publishing third one and last variant of the story for understanding the reality.
Means some body else will be using your brain with remote control. How Authority Bias is working on our day to day Marketing activity in Mutual Fund. Publishing this story with credit to Mr. Vijay Kumar Shukla with some modification for making it presentable over this platform.… Read the rest

How to protect ourselves against – Dragon of Direct Plan.
A couple of months back when I was in Kolkata for a business tour, I came to know that within a week period 4 top-level MFDs lost their clients AUM worth of 5Cr to 10Cr each to Direct Plans. Out of 4, 3 were CFPs. One of the clients was a close relative of one CFP-MFD.
Now one question arises about how many other cases might have happened earlier.… Read the rest

SIP – The Journey from Laziness to Active Management part – 1
If you want to finish the creativity of anyone, you don’t need to do anything special like Dronacharya does with Eklavya in Mahabharat, asked him to cut his thumb for GuruDakshina, just teach him how to earn money without pursuing any task.
The above line is totally suitable for the MF industry, including AMCs. Since they have learnt how to do SIP, they forget creativity (How to Manage Portfolio Actively).… Read the rest

Big Investment lesson from Big-B on his 77th Birthday.
Today is the Birthday of all-time great Bollywood actor Sri Amitabh Bachchan Ji.
First of all, let me wish Bachchan ji “Happy Birthday Bachchan ji“
“हम जहां खड़े होते हैं लाइन वहीं से शुरू होती है”
“Hum Jahan khade hotey hain, line wahin se shuru hoti hai”- Kaalia (1981)
When Bachchan ji speaks these lines on the screen everyone gets energized.… Read the rest
Value Investing in MF & BLTP
In today’s market condition last 3 years SIPs are generating lower returns than FDs. A big question is arising that, if SIP/STP is not working, then what strategy should be using for investment, which would be a better performer than SIPs/STPs and also with sufficient safety.
Warren Buffet, Benjamin Graham and so many other all-time renown investors have proven that, Value investing is the best theory for investment.… Read the rest
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