Eye Opening

BLTP Business Growth Challenges to MF Distributors Downside Protection Eye Opening Think Out Of The Box

How to protect your income?

It is saying that “Corrections are temporary, Growth is Permanent.”

But Are you aware of this?Read the rest

BLTP Eye Opening Financial Literacy Investment Lessons. Investment Strategy Mis-Conceptions Risk Management SIP / STP / SWP Think Out Of The Box

MFDs are Eklavyas of the current Era.

In 2017 I had started a project, "Abhimanyu". On 3rd May 2019, during one of my BLTP Distributor Meet in Nashik, I had floated a pseudonym to MFD as Abhimanyu, who knows how to enter the market but never know how to come out of the market, which became very popular and used in so many webinars, by various mentors thereafter. Nowadays, somewhat improvement is seen, and some of the MFDs have taken it seriously and started managing portfolios actively. Now, the project Abhjimanyu is on the right track. So, I have started working on a new mission to educate MFDs, which will be most relevant in the coming days for MFD's survival. They should realise it before it becomes too late. I have given a unique name to my new mission, "Project Ekalavya." Now, I am saying, "MFDs are Eklavyas of the Current Era."
BLTP Eye Opening Financial Literacy Investment Lessons. LockDownReading SIP / STP / SWP Think Out Of The Box Uncategorized

The fox and its sour grapes – Variant 2

Today we are publishing third one and last variant of the story for understanding the reality.


Means some body else will be using your brain with remote control. How Authority Bias is working on our day to day Marketing activity in Mutual Fund. Publishing this story with credit to Mr. Vijay Kumar Shukla with some modification for making it presentable over this platform.… Read the rest