Purchasing Power

BLTP Financial Planning Investment Strategy Mis-Conceptions Retirement Uncategorized

Perfect Retirement Solution – 1

Mis-Conception on Earning Retirement Salary:

What Retired person should have in their Retirement kitty? People are divided on weather they should be Cash Reach or Asset Reach at their Retirements?

Someone is thinking that Retired person should be Cash Reach while others are thinking Retired person should be Asset Reach.

I think Retired person should be having own house for enjoying their retirement with dignity and they should also be having sufficient Corpus in terms of cash as well as liquid assets for getting their “INCREMENTAL MONTHLY INCOME“.… Read the rest

BLTP Financial Literacy Financial Planning Investment Strategy Retirement Uncategorized

Have you plan for your Retirement? Part – 1

Last week we had talked about importance of Financial Planning this week we will discuss most important planing of your life that is nothing but Retirement Planing.

While discussing with many people we have listened Common arguments at various ages of life to avoid Retirement Planing.

@ 20s “Let me start my career”

@ 30s “I have just started my career let me enjoy.Read the rest

Financial Planning Retirement

Silent Killer of your Retirement Corpus

Inflation is the silent killer of your Retirement corpus.

Your Salary Will Not Rise After Your Retirement BUT Inflation Will ALWAYS Rise.

Expanses of 50,000 at your Retirement Age will be 1,90,000 after 20 Years, which means Purchasing Power of your 50,000 will be reduced drastically.


Suppose you are getting Retired now and you have monthly expenses of 50,000 and you have started getting 50,000 fixed from any fixed annuity plan what will happens after some period.… Read the rest