Information Reading

BLTP Business Growth Challenges to MF Distributors Eye Opening Information Reading Mis-Conceptions Think Out Of The Box Uncategorized

How to read Information?

In the last blog, we have seen that how people use to read the information. In this blog, we will elaborate on the Approaches adopted by various people during the analysis of the information. I have seen, three types of analysis were done using three different approaches.

What your mind does not know, your eye cant see.

For example, see the Data Points given below and see how the people read them.Read the rest

BLTP Business Growth Challenges to MF Distributors Eye Opening Information Reading Mis-Conceptions Think Out Of The Box Uncategorized

How to Read Information properly

Nowadays there is too much information is available and it becomes very difficult for a layman to analyse and interpret it.

Another problem is that everybody is taking the different meaning of the same set of data, which is suitable to him and publishing it in such a way that it could benefit them.

The difference between the Novice and the Expert is their ability to quickly determine what’s relevant and what’s irrelevantRead the rest

BLTP Financial Literacy Information Reading Think Out Of The Box

The Biggest Blunder in Market…

When the stock market is at its top and all the figures are not supporting the market level then players start throwing various positive news/stories and try to run the market on that news/stories. Sometimes experts come out with a big trap of numbers. First of all see the following table, just a few days back published on social media, trying to show how the market is so attractive.… Read the rest