Is Volatility your friend or foe? – 2

As we see in the above table arithmetic average of all the scenarios is 10 which feels like in all the scenarios returns will be the same.
As we have discussed in an earlier blog how Volatility is hurting the Valuation of your portfolio. Volatility is acting like a Foe if we are taking it lightly. Market Volatility is not in our control then what to do?… Read the rest

Is Volatility Your Friend or Foe?
Nowadays we are experiencing that the #Market is heading up and down frequently resulting in up and down in the portfolio #Valuation.
First of all, we will discuss what #Volatility is. There is a big misunderstanding that volatility means downfall. Whenever the market gets corrected, people start speaking about volatility.
To understand this, we need to know the various phases of the market.… Read the rest

What does Diversification mean to Investors?
Just last week I came across the following post.

What do you think?
Why has Zuckerberg’s net worth suddenly dropped from $122B to $43B while Buffett’s net worth increased from $104B to $109B?
Because most of Zuckerberg’s net worth is tied up in Facebook stock. As a result, the major decline in META stock value (about 60 per cent down from a year ago, when it became Meta).… Read the rest

How to build a Child’s Financial Future?

How to Make your Investment journey smooth?
If I say Newton was a fool man, even Einstein was a fool man. What will be your reaction?
If you are wondering, read on, how?
Are you enjoying your #Investment journey?
What is the similarity between all these photos?

Yes, all of them have one thing in common: Shock Absorbers.
Do you know why all of them are having Shock Absorbers?… Read the rest
PE is down – does the Market Risk reduced?

Reason Behind Warren Buffet’s Success & BLTP
Investment in Various Stages of the Market
“When one understands the difference between Volatility, Correction and Bear Market, he/she could grab the opportunity, otherwise what you think Mauka (मौका) will turn into Dhoka (धोखा)” – Shailesh Sampat
To elaborate why I am writing this in the current market situation, first of all we should understand what are the Various Stages of the market
We can divide the Market in to 5 stages
- Bull Run
- Volatility
- Correction
- Bear Market
- Recovery

Have you plan for your Retirement? Part – 1
Last week we had talked about importance of Financial Planning this week we will discuss most important planing of your life that is nothing but Retirement Planing.
While discussing with many people we have listened Common arguments at various ages of life to avoid Retirement Planing.
@ 20s “Let me start my career”
@ 30s “I have just started my career let me enjoy.… Read the rest
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