May 2020

BLTP Financial Literacy Investment Lessons. LockDownReading Uncategorized

The fox and its sour grapes – Original

From today we are starting publishing 3 variants of the same stories which we came across while surfing the internet and found that it is most relevant to current scenarios.

We are using the same writing in Hindi and English translation from Google translate. Please bare with us regarding the translation error.

Today we are going through 1st and original story which we had learnt during our school time.… Read the rest

All Season Investment Strategy BLTP Direct Plans Downside Protection Financial Literacy Financial Planning Investment Strategy LockDownReading SIP / STP / SWP Think Out Of The Box Uncategorized Value Investing

How to protect ourselves against – Dragon of Direct Plan.

A couple of months back when I was in Kolkata for a business tour, I came to know that within a week period 4 top-level MFDs lost their clients AUM worth of 5Cr to 10Cr each to Direct Plans. Out of 4, 3 were CFPs. One of the clients was a close relative of one CFP-MFD.

Now one question arises about how many other cases might have happened earlier.… Read the rest